SHORT ES (S&P500 Futures) Today

I failed to mention that I shorted the ES, off of highs today, with the news that the New Medical and Health Insurance Plan, as proposed (completely idiotically) was likely to be voted down or delayed.

It is clear that Trump is a poor management guy.  When I worked, I never put through proposals that I knew were not likely to be approved EASILY at first.   Yes, I had many NEW jobs in my career, and I TICKED OFF THE EASY FIXES FIRST.

Always, and I always took jobs that clearly were putting me on a firing line and that the Company and Management were clearly having fits!

America, under Obama, clearly was mismanaged, so Trump stepped into the midst of FAILURE, including but not limited to Medical Care here.

Medical CARE COSTS, if anything, should be tackled.  Instead, he took Obama's lead and is a sell-out to INSURANCE LOBBIES, who of course make TONS OF MONEY  on mandated Insurance PAYMENTS BY THE TREASURY.

I am short at 2349.75, one tick below a very obvious Century Level.

Target WAS 2340 and I just got taken out.  I shorted 50 contracts.



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