Legal Bribery versus Running a Business as First Lady

First Lady Trump's Business Interests

I am reading with benign amusement about the First Lady's Lawsuit against a UK newspaper where apparently there were some remarks about her which then affected a new business she was attempting to launch.

OF COURSE:  It is unfitting and possibly unlawful for a First Lady or the President Himself to run business interests while sitting in the Big White House.

However, it is OKEY DOKEY for the entire congress to accept Lobby Monies from varied business interests whilst voting on issues affecting said businesses represented by those lobbyists.

THE USA and its government needs to make its mind up.   Are our Governing Bodies and our President there to serve the public or "service" the public.  I think that it is quite obvious where there interests are and it is about time that someone calls them out.

I am here to call them out on this.   Make up your minds:  are you there to serve or are you there to collect?



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